During these times we are as committed as ever to your health and well-being. Tune-in every week for the LECOM Motivation Monday tips from our certified staff.
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To continue being your healthiest self, you need to keep moving. We hope you take advantage of our FREE workout options. Click the links below to access the free classes:
The LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center fitness supervisor demonstrates stretches you can do at home. Stay safe and keep moving!
The LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center staff demonstrates additional stretches you can do at home.
The LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center fitness supervisor demonstrates strength training exercises you can do at home.
The LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center fitness supervisor demonstrates cardiovascular exercises you can do at home.
The LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center's center director, David Hopkins, explains and demonstrates the importance of a dynamic warm-up.
Learn how to incorporate the three planes of movement into your daily exercise routine.
Proper lifting mechanics are not just for your workouts! Use these lifting tips in your every activity to avoid injury.
Proper lifting mechanics are not just for your workouts! Use these lifting tips in your every activity to avoid injury.
Do you know what order to do your upper body exercises in? Watch this video to learn the best practices.
Do you know what order to do your upper body exercises in? Watch this video to learn the best practices.
10,000 steps a day is the recommended average amount of steps per day. This is tough to achieve at home. Watch this video to learn how to supplement your daily step count.
The Turkish get-up is one of the most functional exercises you can do. The move takes you from lying on the floor to standing upright, all while holding an optional kettlebell or weight above your head.
Learn how your core strength and balance can help you complete a 5K!
Improve your balance with mobility drills that you can complete at home.
Use these mobility training techniques to help you complete a 5K, or to simply help you during everyday activities.
Improve your balance with these training exercises.
You are responsible for exercising within your limits and assume all risk of injury to your person or property. To the extent permitted by law, Power Wellness Management, LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center, and their affiliates disclaim any and all liability in connection with the use of this platform.
Learn more about LECOM Medical Fitness & Wellness Center at the Member Services desk, call (814) 868-7800 or complete our contact form.
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Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
LECOM Medical Fitness and Wellness Center - 5401 Peach Street - Erie, Pennsylvania - 16509 - (814) 868-7800
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